GAIA Best Paper Award 

With its Best Paper Award, GAIA's Editorial Board honours the best article(s) of the year. The article(s) are selected for their excellence and/or relevance, which are important criteria in sustainability research.

The winner is selected from articles published in GAIA, in the sections Forum and Research. Based on a shortlist drawn up by the Editorial Board, the winner is nominated by a reasoned vote of the members of GAIA’s Scientific Advisory Board.

All Best Papers can be accessed free of charge.

Award Winner 2023 

BPA-Winner 2022 Björn Wendt and Jens Köhrsen






Guido Caniglia and Coleen Vogel are the winners of the GAIA Best Paper Award 2023:

Guido Caniglia, Coleen Vogel: On being oriented. Strengthening transgressive orientations in transdisciplinary sustainability research through queer theory
(GAIA 1/2023)

In addition, GAIA’s Editorial Board gave an honorable mention to:

Rachel Claus, Rachel Davel, Cheryl Heykoop, Daniela Pinto, Brian M. Belcher: How to build Theories of Change for transdisiplinary research: Guidance an considerations (GAIA 1/2023)

Linda Ghirardello, Giulia Isetti: Is tragedy the true language of science? Unleashing the emotional power of theatrical storytelling for climate change communication
(GAIA 3/2023)

Award Winner 2022 

BPA-Winner 2022 Björn Wendt and Jens Köhrsen






Björn Wendt and Jens Köhrsen are the winners of the GAIA Best Paper Award 2022:

Björn Wendt, Jens Köhrsen: Time for change? Zeit als Herausforderung für Nachhaltigkeitspartizipation (GAIA 4/2022)

In addition, GAIA’s Editorial Board gave an honorable mention to:

Tobias Kalt, Johanna Tunn: Shipping the sunshine? A critical research agenda on the global hydrogen transition (GAIA 2/2022)

Christian Schnurr: "Ist das natürlich oder ist da Chemie drin?" Ansätze zu einer transdisziplinären Verständigung über die "(Un-)Natürlichkeit" der Chemie (GAIA 2/2022)

Karoline Augenstein et al.: Wie entfalten Reallabore Wirkung für die Transformation? (GAIA 4/2022)

Award Winner 2021 

Jennifer Henze is the winner of the GAIA Best Paper Award 2021:

Jennifer Henze: Zur Wissenschaftlichkeit transdisziplinärer Forschung (GAIA 1/2021)

In addition, GAIA’s Editorial Board gave an honorable mention to:

Markus Leibenath et al.: Naturschutz in Zeiten sozial-ökologischer Transformation: Triebkraft oder Getriebener? (GAIA 3/2021)

Timmo Krüger: Die Energiewende im Kontext von Klima- und Energiekrise (GAIA 3/2021)

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Award Winner 2020 


Livia Fritz and Franziska Meinherz are the winners of the GAIA Best Paper Award 2020:

Livia Fritz, Franziska Meinherz: Tracing power in transdisciplinary sustainability research: an exploration (GAIA 1/2020)

In addition, GAIA’s Editorial Board gave an honorable mention to:

Karoline Augenstein et al.: From niche to mainstream: the dilemmas of scaling up sustainable alternatives (GAIA 3/2020)

Kirsten Twelbeck: Wheat: a powerful crop in US-American culture: Between politics and plant agency (GAIA 4/2020)

Andreas Benz: The greening of the revolution: Changing state views on nature and development in Cuba’s transforming socialism (GAIA 4/2020)

Award Winner 2019 

Gregor Hagedorn and colleagues – representing the Scientists for Future – are the winners of the GAIA Best Paper Award 2019. They will receive the award for their article The concerns of the young protesters are justified: A statement by Scientists for Future concerning the protests for more climate protection. Taking seriously the public demand that science should make an active contribution to solving social problems, Hagedorn et al. concisely summarize sound knowledge about the global
challenge of climate change, explain convincingly why scientific research supports the demands of the Fridays for Future movement, and critically reflect on the role of science between neutrality and commitment.
The awarded article is also GAIA’s most popular article 2019 with the highest number of full-text downloads.
The award will be presented at the GAIA Annual Meeting in Zurich on Saturday, March 28, 2020.

In addition, GAIA’s Editorial Board gave an honourable mention to:

Award Winner 2018 

Award Winner 2017 

Wolfgang Krohn, Armin Grunwald and Martina Ukowitz are the winners of the GAIA Best Paper Award 2017:

In addition, GAIA’s Editorial Board gave an honorable mention to:

Award Winner 2016 

Christoph Görg is the winner of the GAIA Best Paper Award 2016:

In addition, GAIA’s Editorial Board gave an honorable mention to:

Award Winner 2015 

Lena Partzsch is the winner of the GAIA Best Paper Award 2015:

GAIA’s Editorial Board additionally shortlisted:

Award Winner 2014 

Jens Soentgen and Helena Bilandzic are the winners of the GAIA Best Paper Award 2014:

GAIA's Editorial Board also shortlisted:

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