Cover: AI for decision support
TATuP 01 - 2024
AI for decision support

What are possible futures, social impacts, regulatory options, ethical conundrums and agency constellations?

Date of publication: 03/20/2024

Special topic: AI for decision making: What are possible futures, social impacts, regulatory options, ethical conundrums and agency constellations?
Research: Dekarbonisierung des Verkehrssektors
Interview mit Karl von Wendt: Künstliche Intelligenz außer Kontrolle?

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Content & reading samples  

TA Focus 33/1 (2024)
News for the TA community/Meldungen für die TA‐Community

AI‐based decision support systems and society
An opening statement

Research article
Cui bono? Judicial decision-making in the era of AI
A qualitative study on the expectations of judges in Germany

Research article
AI and access to justice
How AI legal advisors can reduce economic and shame-based barriers to justice

Research article
Artificial intelligence and judicial decision-making
Evaluating the role of AI in debiasing

Research article
Borderline decisions?
Lack of justification for automatic deception detection at EU borders

Research article
Situativität, Funktionalität und Vertrauen
Ergebnisse einer szenariobasierten Interviewstudie zur Erklärbarkeit von KI in der Medizin

Research article
Artificial intelligence in melanoma diagnosis
Three scenarios, shifts in competencies, need for regulation, and reconciling dissent between humans and AI

Research article
Dekarbonisierung des Verkehrssektors in Berlin
Bürgerinnen- und Bürgergutachten zu wissenschaftlich erstellten Szenarien

Künstliche Intelligenz außer Kontrolle?
INTERVIEW mit/with Karl von Wendt von/by Reinhard Heil

Book review
Coeckelbergh, Mark (2022): The political philosophy of AI

Book review
Timon, McPhearson; Nadja, Kabisch; Niki, Frantzeskaki (eds.) (2023): Nature-based solutions for cities

Meeting report
Timon, McPhearson; Nadja, Kabisch; Niki, Frantzeskaki (eds.) (2023): Nature-based solutions for cities

Meeting report
“Generative artificial intelligence – Opportunities, risks and policy challenges”. EPTA Con- ference, 2023, Barcelona, ES

Meeting report
“PartWiss23”. Conference, 2023, Chemnitz, DE

Dekarbonisierung Ethik Künstliche Intelligenz Medizin Recht
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available for download

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