Early career scientists 

We support you as an early career scientist in publishing your research results, writing a book or article, choosing a suitable journal – and we award a prize for excellent master theses.

The following activities are mainly aimed at early career scientists.

3 Bücher der Reihe "Hochschulschriften zur Nachhaltigkeit" stehen auf einem RegalbrettUniversity publications on sustainability

In this series, the entire spectrum of sustainability research is brought together: Since 2003, it has documented research on sustainable development and sustainability strategies as well as their implementation – a discipline-independent, established forum for research and teaching on sustainability.

Weißer Schriftzug "Gaia Masters Student Paper Award" auf pinkem Hintergrund

GAIA Masters Student Paper Award

Since 2015, the journal has awarded the annual GAIA Masters Student Paper Award, which helps young scholars and transdisciplinary research to gain more visibility. Several award-winners have already had their winning papers published in GAIA.

Orangener Schriftzug "Toolkits for Transdisciplinarity" auf dunklem HintergrundToolkits and Frameworks for Transdisciplinary Research

If you undertake transdisciplinary research, where can you find relevant concepts and methods? Commissioned by Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bammer (Australian National University), GAIA published a compilation of eight relevant toolkits and nine key frameworks to be used for transdisciplinary research. Both series are free to use and share!

Konferenzraum mit Tischen un Hufeisenform, an denen Menschen sitzen. Im Hintergrund arbeiten 2 Menschen an Pinnwänden

Workshop »How to Publish in a Scientific Journal«

How does peer review work? What do I need to consider when writing about interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research? How do I handle peer review? Questions like these are answered in the workshop »How to Publish in a Scientific Journal«, which is offered by the GAIA Editorial Team at every GAIA Annual Meeting. The workshop is aimed at Masters and PhD students working in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary environmental research.

Interested? Get in touch with the GAIA Editorial Team.

Computerbildschirm, auf dem das Logo von "Think, Check, Submit" zu sehen ist

Useful resources: How do I recognize credible journals and publishers?

Think.Check.Submit is a useful initiative that helps researchers identify trusted journals and publishers for their research. It contains information, tools and external resources on important topics such as Predatory Publishing, Metrics, Peer Review, Long Term Preservation, Copyright and Licensing, etc. Thus it aims to educate researchers, promote integrity, and build trust in credible research and publications.






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