Rights and Licenses  

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Do you want to make your own texts or the texts of other oekom authors available online or in another print product? We will be happy to advise you on this.

Please note that all oekom verlag publications are protected by copyright (for exceptions see below). You need written permission from the copyright holder if you wish to print an extract from a book or journal or make it available online. This also applies to image material. In this case, please contact the relevant person (see below).

You do not need permission if the respective book or article is published under a Creative Commons license. All articles published in the journals GAIA, Raumforschung und Raumordung - Spatial Research and Plannung, TATuP and Ökologisches Wirtschaften are published under a Creative Commons license. The same applies to all open access books.

If your inquiry concerns your own texts or image material, please also contact us so that we can clarify with you who holds the rights of use to the material and how we can support you. You can contact the project supervisor of your work directly about this or the contact persons mentioned below.

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Do you have questions about the rights of oekom's public programme or do you want to publish material as part of a book review? Then you will find further information here.


Bild zu Dr. Ulrike Sehy
Dr. Ulrike Sehy

Head of Journals Department

Phone: +49 89 544184 - 265 | +41 43 311 07 85
Mail: sehyoekom.de

Bild zu Dr. Laura Kohlrausch
Dr. Laura Kohlrausch

Rights Manager

Tel.: +49 89 544184 - 226
E-Mail: kohlrauschoekom.de

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