
3 books on a shelf

The series »Transformations« contains publications that describe and analyse socio-ecological transformation processes from a social and cultural science perspective. This includes the study of historical transformation processes, as an analysis of processes of social change in the past not least allows conclusions to be drawn regarding the possibilities and limits of shaping social transformations. Such knowledge is indispensable for transformation research that does not want to be naïve in terms of social theory and blind in terms of history.

DBU environmental communication 

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The Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt promotes innovative exemplary projects for environmental protection. The series »DBU Environmental Communication« is dedicated to the publication and dissemination of related outstanding scientific approaches and pioneering projects from the field.

Library of Alternatives 

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There is much to suggest that we are witnessing a major social transformation right now. This transformation does not seem to have any historical models – and it is open to the future. The series »Library of Alternatives« is intended to provide a place to debate possible directions for this change. It is not intended to provide blueprints for possible futures. Rather, the series aims to analyse developments, connect observations with larger contexts and provide knowledge to identify framework conditions and cornerstones for paths towards a better society.

Wuppertal Research Papers 

The Wuppertal Institute researches challenges regarding resources, climate and energy as well as questions of social sustainability on a regional, national and international level and their interrelations with economy, politics and society. This series present outstanding scientific qualification work in sustainability research. The books were produced in the research groups and the dissertation programme of the Wuppertal Institute and were supervised in cooperation with universities.

University publications on sustainability 

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In this series, the entire spectrum of sustainability research is brought together: Since 2003, it has documented research on sustainable development and sustainability strategies as well as their implementation – from the local to the global level, in companies, educational institutions or public administrations. A discipline-independent, established forum for research and teaching on sustainability.

Sustainable Urban and Regional Health 

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The international field of work urban/regional/rural health ties in with the common origins of public health as well as urban and regional development – and connects with the current issues of social justice and ecological sustainability. The series develops this approach to thinking and acting as »Sustainable Urban Health and Regional Health«.

Annual Papers of the Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Society 

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The Annual Papers of the Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Carlowitz-Society summarise the ceremonial speeches of the laureates of the Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz Sustainability Prize and the laudations for these laureates. In addition, they contain groundbreaking scientific contributions from the various series of events organised by the Carlowitz Society.

Due to the authenticity and competence of the award winners, the annual publications are considered an indispensable reference work and often cited source of further scientific work.

Carl von Carlowitz – Lectures on Sustainability 

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In the series »Carl von Carlowitz – Lectures on Sustainability«, outstanding scientists from various disciplines present their thoughts and concepts on sustainable development. The series is based on the lecture of the same name by the German Council for Sustainable Development, which has been held annually since 2009. The sponsor and eponym is Carl von Carlowitz, the Saxon chief miner who wrote the first holistic view of the opportunities and limits of human use of forests and woodlands and has since been regarded as the creator of the concept of sustainability.

Change of view 

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The Zentrum Technik und Gesellschaft (Centre for Technology and Society, ZTG) at the TU Berlin and the nexus Institut für Kooperationsmanagement und interdisziplinäre Forschung (nexus Institute for Cooperation Management and Interdisciplinary Research) have set themselves the task of promoting dialogue between economic, social, cultural and engineering sciences. They publish their results in this multidisciplinary series (in cooperation with Franz Steiner Verlag).


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The KLIMZUG-series presents thematically bundled measures and strategies for adapting regions to climate change. Recommendations for action for agriculture and forestry, urban and regional planning, water management and businesses are addressed, as are questions of participation, communication or governance. The series is published with the financial support of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Results of Social-Ecological Research 

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A series of the Social-ecological Research funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. All books are published after peer review by independent experts.

Human Ecology Series 

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In this series, published by the German Society for Human Ecology, scientists shed light on the interdependencies between society, humans and the environment.

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