GAIA Sonderheft - 2008
Sonderheft "Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation"

Date of publication: 04/30/2008

In the words of IUCN – The World Conservation Union, a protected area is »an area of land and/or sea especially dedicated to the protection and maintenance of biological diversity, and of natural and associated cultural resources …«. Can protected areas live up to these expectations? And what determines success or failure in protected area management? This issue seeks to tease out answers to these questions.

GAIA is available in full text at Ingenta »

Content & reading samples  

Learning from Success and Failure in the Management of Protected Areas (Editorial)

Protected Areas, Biodiversity, and Sustainable Development (Foreword)

The Relevance of Effective Protected Areas for Biodiversity Conservation: An Introduction (Introduction)

Biological Diversity – a Concept Going Astray? (Forum)

Hindernisse für das Management von Schutzgebieten (Forum)

The Importance of Law Enforcement for Protected Areas – Don’t Step Back! Be Honest – Protect! (Forum)

Protected Areas in a World of Eight Billion (Forum)

Socio-Ecological Monitoring of Biodiversity Change – Building upon the World Network of Biosphere Reserves (Forschung)

Changing Climate in Protected Areas? Risk Perception of Climate Change by Biosphere Reserve Managers (Forschung)

Evaluation of Major Threats to Forest Biosphere Reserves: A Global View (Forschung)

Estimating the Regional Economic Impact of Tourism to National Parks – Two Case Studies from Germany (Forschung)

Compensating Municipalities for Protected Areas – Fiscal Tranfers for Biodiversity Conservation in Saxony, Germany (Forschung)

Protected Areas in the Alps – The Success Factors of Nature-Based Tourism and the Challenge for Regional Policy (Forschung)

Participatory and Integrated Management of Biosphere Reserves – Lessons from Case Studies and a Global Survey (Forschung)

How to Foster Organisational Capacity for Integrated Biosphere Reserve Management – The Biosphere Reserve Mananara-Nord, Madagascar (Forschung)

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