Cover: Sustainable Economy
GAIA Sonderheft - 2019
Sustainable Economy

Perspectives of Change

Date of publication: 08/23/2019


GAIA is available in full text at Ingenta »

Content & reading samples  

The business of business is mutual cooperation for sustainable development

Social-ecological research for the transformation to a sustainable economy
Opening up new perspectives for change

Quantifying the sharing economy
An approach for measuring the ecological, social, and economic effects

Wider economic and social implications of sustainable economy approaches
Some insights from a scenario exercise

Governance-Ansätze für nachhaltige Transformationen auf dem Prüfstand dreier Praxisfelder

Governance for the sustainable economy
Institutional innovation from the bottom up?

Employee roles in sustainability transformation processes
A move away from expertise and towards experience-driven sustainability management

The role of voluntary sustainability standards in governing the supply of mineral raw materials

Drivers and barriers of sustainability transformations
A comparison of the “Energiewende” and the attempted transformation to organic agriculture in Germany

Increasing sustainability in clothing production and consumption – opportunities and constraints

nachhaltige Wirtschaft Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement Sharing Economy Transformation
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