Research. Publish. Transform. oekom science

oekom science is the academic platform for all those who research, publish, gain new insights and share ideas on ecology, sustainable development and societal transformation.

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Become part of the oekom-science community with your book: benefit from our know-how, comprehensive distribution services and targeted book marketing.

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Our scientific journals offer your research a quality-controlled environment and the widest possible dissemination - while maintaining high ethical, environmental and quality standards.


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Do you as a scientific institution, research sponsor, association or foundation regularly produce new research results? Then start a book series with oekom science.

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We provide personal advice on all matters relating to the publication of journals. With oekom science, the contents of your journal will be widely distributed, remain visible and permanently available.

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From climate to agriculture, from environmental psychology to transformative research: as an independent publisher, we publish journals and books from 20 disciplines.


icon scientific journals

For our journals we provide a quality-controlled environment and strive for the widest possible dissemination – while maintaining high ethical, environmental and quality standards.

icon book series

 Cooperating with universities, scientists and institutions, we publish several scientific book series.

icon Open Access

oekom science supports Open Access and thus the goal of the widest possible dissemination of scientific publications – for our books and scientific journals.

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Wir wechseln derzeit unseren Vertriebsdienstleister. Aufgrund dieser Umstellung können wir im Webshop eingehende Bestellungen für Print-Produkte vorübergehend nur mit Verzögerung ausliefern. Bücher liefern wir zudem nur noch in EU-Länder. E-PUBs und PDFs erhalten Sie weiterhin sofort, die Rechnungsstellung erfolgt ebenfalls verzögert. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich gerne an Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis!

Keine Versandkosten ab 40 Euro Bestellwert
(bei Lieferung innerhalb Deutschlands,
ausgenommen Zeitschriftenabos).

Für Kund*innen aus EU-Ländern verstehen sich unsere Preise inklusive der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer und – außer bei digitalen Publikationen – zuzüglich Versandkosten.

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